Orchestercode: 2/2/2/2 - 4/2/3/1 - Pk, 2 Perc, Hf, Pno - 10/8/8/6/4
Flöte (2), Oboe (2), Klarinette (2), Fagott (2), Horn (4), Trompete (2), Posaune (3), Tuba (1), Pauke (1), Perkusion (2), Harfe (1), Klavier (1), Violine (18), Viola (8), Violoncello (6), Kontrabass (4)
ad Flöte: 2. auch Piccoloflöte
ad Oboe: 2. auch Englischhorn
ad Klarinette: 2. auch Bassklarinette
ad Fagott: 2. auch Kontrafagott
ad Perkussion I: Xylophon, Vibraphon, 2 Kuhglocken (hoch und tief), 2 Bongos, 3 Tom-toms (hoch, tief - hoch, mittel, tief)), Glockenspiel, Kleine Trommel, Maracas (hoch), Röhrenglocken
ad Perkussion II: Peitsche, Vibra Slap, 3 Becken, Rute, 5 Woodblocks, Gongs (C1 - F#1 - G2 - C#2), große Trommel, Congas
Bezugsquelle: Universal Edition
Partitur-Preview: Universal Edition
"Joarotu: A Shamanic Journey to Balance."
"Joarotu" is a musical piece that pays homage to the culture of the Warao people and emphasizes the crucial role of their shamans in the search for natural balance. The piece tells of an ancient ritual to remove the "curse of Joa" caused by harmful substances from nature. Aggressive chords and rhythmic patterns open the work, symbolizing the confrontation with the Joa. The first Warao chant marks the arrival of the shaman. The central passage reveals the ritual event in which the sounds of nature merge with the Warao chants. The curse attempts to return, but Joarotu absorbs it to establish balance between good and evil. The coda contains the hope-bringing Warao chant. "Joarotu" is a unique musical journey into the culture of the Warao, an ethnic group living in northern Venezuela, that encourages reflection on balance."
Werkbeschreibung, Universal Edition, abgerufen am 12.12.2023 [https://www.universaledition.com/en/Works/Joarotu/P0212055]
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 14. 12. 2023): Hernández Lovera Ángel . Joarotu. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: https://db.musicaustria.at/node/209468 (Abrufdatum: 23. 2. 2025).